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Next Scheduled Council Meeting:

The next meeting of the Mayor and City Council is scheduled for Monday, September 16, 2024, beginning at 6:30 p.m., in the Municipal Building.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact City Hall at 229-874-1259.

2024 Mayor & City Council Members:

The following individual(s) will serve as Mayor and Members of City Council beginning January 2024:



Matthew Daniel


Council Members:

Jessica Childers

Wendy Clark 

Kenneth Herndon 

Clint Ledger 

Leslie Welcome Center:  

The Garden Club will be collecting town memorabilia for display at the Leslie Welcome Center.  If you or someone you know has old photos or other historic items that you would like to donate (in original form or duplicate), please contact Gail Clark Enloe at 229-942-8508. 

Leslie Memorial Wall:  

If you are interested in purchasing a 4 x 8 brick paver for the Leslie Memorial Wall, please contact Benjie Johnson at 229-942-1111  to obtain an order form.  Bricks are $100.00 each.

Reminders for All Residents:


Dogs at Large/Leash Laws: Dogs are not allowed to freely roam the streets.  Dogs must be leashed and accompanied by the owner or other person having charge of the dog (City Ordinance Sec. 5-36). Fines for "Dogs at Large" are now being imposed in the amount of $145.00 for the first offense; $212.50 for the 2nd offense; and $280.00 for the 3rd offense.


Property Maintenance/Upkeep: All property owners and tenants are responsible for keeping their properties/premises in a sanitary condition and to prevent the accumulation or overgrowth of vegetation, trash or rubbish, etc. (City Ordinance Sec. 13-1; 13-10).


Mosquito Spraying: Residents are charged $2.00 per month (on an annual basis) for mosquito spraying.  This spraying is done by plane and occurs twice per month.  It should be noted that the timing of such spraying is dependent upon the weather. If you have standing water in or around your yard, or heavy vegetation, you may need to use additional measures to control the mosquitoes in your area.  Although the spraying provided by the city cannot completely eliminate the mosquitoes, we hope that it does offer some relief given the fee is nominal when shared by all residents.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact City Hall at 229-874-1259 or


You can pay your Water/Garbage and Property Tax bills online with DOXO


It’s a simple, secure, all-in-one bill payment service that’s easy to use from any device.  All you need to sign-up with doxo is a valid email address.  Making payments to the City of Leslie from your bank account using DOXO is free.   Fees apply on credit and debit card payments ($3.99 or 3.5%, whichever is greater based on payment amount). If you have questions or need assistance, you can contact DOXO support at: or 206-319-0097.

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